Perils of the Investigator

by Lisa Lauderdale ~ December 1st, 2011

“You’re a ghost hunter…”  “‘That is so cool.”  “I had this happen…”  “I know of a place that is haunted.”  For the most part, when someone finds out what I do in my spare time, it is a fun and positive experience.  On the other hand I have had a few, let’s say, not-so-fun responses.  I do have to tell you about one that was the creepiest I’ve ever had.  It is about feeling like I was back in the dark ages and about to burn as a heretic.

One night my grandfather called.  I happened to be out of town on an investigation.  My husband, not knowing how RELIGIOUS my grandfather is, proceeded to tell him that I was on a ghost hunt.  Oh the can of worms that was opened that night and I was unaware and unprepared for what was to come.

I got home and crawled into bed during the wee hours of the morning.  I was just starting to nod off and the phone rang.  Well, when the phone rings that early in the morning, it’s usually important.  I saw that  it was my grandfather’s number.  I answered thinking my grandfather had lost his fight with cancer.  Thankfully it wasn’t that.  The voice on the other end was my grandfather.

“You are doing the devil’s work.”

…What, did I just hear that right?

“What are you talking about, grandpa?”

He proceeded to tell me that there are no such things as ghosts and what people think to be ghosts are nothing but demons.  Me, knowing I will never change an old man’s mind set in his way, smoothed things over and REPENTED.  I thought that was the end of that.  Little did I know it wasn’t over.

A week later I heard a knock on the door.  At the door was a group of people I didn’t know.  I answered the door and they introduced themselves and told me that my grandfather had requested they come and save my soul.  What?!?!  These people had traveled 8 hours from Colorado…..SUPER CREEPY.  I am a respectful and patient person so I let them finish their speeches without saying a word.  When they were done I thanked them and asked them to leave.  I allowed them to think what they wanted to think knowing that they violated me in the process.

So now my husband knows never to say anything that can remotely set my grandfather off.

-Michele Lipes

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